Nib: Medium 14k Gold No.46
Sheaffer 5-30 Flat Top from 1920s-30s. Ring top version in jade green Radite (plastic) with gold plated trim. Lever filler Barrel imprint W.A.SHEAFFER PEN Co PAT. AUG.25-08-FORT MADISON,IA.U.S.A. DEC.10-12-JAN.27-OCT.20-NOV.24-14
Capped 11.7mm
The Sheaffer Pen Company produced Flat-Top fountain pens from 1912 until some time after the middle of the 1930s, possibly as late as 1940. (“Flat-Top” is not Sheaffer's name for this design.) ... Until 1922, clips were straight and were imprinted with the words SHEAFFER-CLIP.
Ringtop fountain pens were common for only a very short period of time, from the 1900s up until the end of the 1920s and they were marketed (and manufactured) for both men and women. It’s easy to tell the difference between men’s and women’s pens purely from their lengths. Women’s pens were longer (four inches or more); they were worn with a chain or a ribbon around the neck, like a necklace. Men’s ringtop pens are significantly smaller, generally being no longer than about three and a half inches.