Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. (Dec 22 1997)
The Incredible Ball Point Pen tells the story of the ball point pen's painful development, its cacophonous launching, the public hysteria accompanying its debut, and its outrageous and scandalous promotion. It recounts the fabulous riches which followed, the public's rapid and total disillusionment with the product, the collapse of the market, scientific breakthroughs in the 1950s, the industry's resurrection, myriad improvements occurring from 1950 to 1959, and the modern period from 1960 on. This is the most exhaustive work available on early ball point brands, manufacturers, and models. It includes over 400 photos of pens, copies of original ads, patents, documentation, and a comprehensive spotter and price guide. All who appreciate the ball point pen as a collectible and investment and who wish to further their knowledge about this fascinating topic will certainly want this book.
Colour & Black & White pictures
Pages 160
Size: 81/2" x 11"
Condition: Pre-owned , very good